I'm officially unemployed. Except for a part time job (2 days/week) I don't "work." Why do I NEED a planner? Why do I NEED a $50 planning system?
Despite the fact that I don't "officially" work, I do have a lot to do. There's the job search, the website design, the grad school apps, the couch that needs to be reupholstered, the Amazing Race entry video that needs to be made, the thank you notes that need to be mailed, the holiday cards that need to be written, and the list goes on. Unfortunately, when the list continues to grow and swim only in my head and not on paper, I only do items on an "as needed" basis. For me, "as needed" means "last minute."
As a result of my condition, I found myself not accomplishing anything. I NEEDed to get the list out of my head and onto paper. But, this still doesn't explain why I felt I NEEDed anything more than an 8.5" x 11" piece of paper. So why did I opt for the expensive planning system instead? Because FranklinCovey.com told me to.
Here's some excerpts from the website:
"Transform your plans into action"
"Achieve your dreams: Discover, Plan, Act"
"Act instead of React"
"You'll finish the week with a much better sense of accomplishment"
How can I resist such a well marketed product? I NEED a FranklinCovey Planning System. And so do you!